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Design Concept Concept

Selected from the natural soil of the earth and the ocher color of building materials bricks and tiles, the passion for deduction design has been rationally sorted out and matured, and the design thinking of washing chains is used to solve various expectations and needs in the space field, not limited to three-dimensional space Furnishings, Zheyu Gongzhi has more future imaginations about "life". Faithfully present the unique personality of each person in the existence space. We are good at listening, transforming our professional ability into operational service items, and seeing ourselves who are constantly advancing in various challenges. The balance of life comes from "survival" and "living out". Self-satisfaction and practice.

From material testing to pattern breakthrough, from small things to overall balance, let us say goodbye to fixed routines and standard norms, and pursue a more comfortable and high-standard life quality personal practice for every owner. In the past, the top-to-bottom design entrustment form of Zheyu Gongzhi Screen took "co-creation" as the core concept and the owners created unlimited design thinking together in a limited space. Starting from the needs, experience in various fields of mixed interior design, furniture/product design, and not limited to commercial space and home space are displayed in storage and style, looking for each unique design solution for different life forms.

At present, Zheyu Industrial System's main operating projects are architectural appearance design, space design (office space, commercial space, home space), system furniture, etc., and it is not limited to this. Instead of providing standard perfect answers, we enjoy every fascinating experiment and beauty beyond imagination in the process of finding answers, and look forward to creating every space with unique vitality and character.

居住空間Living Space

供人居住的空間住宅、別墅、公寓、實品屋、農舍、宿 舍、安養院等。
居住空間—單層 Residential Space—Single Level
居住空間—複層 Residential Space—Multi Level
居住空間—微型 Residential Space—XS Under 
獨棟住宅 (Residential Space—Single House)別墅、農舍
實品屋|樣品屋 (Show Flat)


商業空間 Commercial Space

商業空間—購物空間 Shopping Space 供商業使用的購物空間:百貨商場、購物中心、商店、零售 店、書店、市場、超市等。
商業空間—零售空間 Retail Space 獨立商店、零售店、獨立書店
商業空間—個人工作空間 Studio Space 髮型設計、診所、工作坊
商業空間—旅館空間 Hotel Space 飯店、旅館、渡假村、民宿等。
商業空間—餐飲空間 Food and Beverage Space 供商業使用的餐飲空間:餐廳、咖啡館、酒館等。
商業空間—休閒空間 Hospitality Space 健身中心、養生中心、會所、俱樂部、體育館。
商業空間—娛樂空間 Entertainment Space 影城、舞廳、KTV。
商業空間—展售空間 Reception Center Space 接待中心、售樓會所。


工作空間 Working Space

工作空間—辦公室 Office Space 辦公室、客服中心
工作空間—共創辦公室 Co-Working Space 共創空間、訓練中心、社會企業
工作空間—生產空間 Industrial & Logistic Space 廠辦、工廠、倉儲、物流中心


公共空間 Public Space

公共空間—文化空間 Cultural Space 博物館/美術館、劇院/音樂廳、圖書館、運動館、文化中心
公共空間—會議空間 Convention Space 會議中心
公共空間—機構空間 Institutional Space 銀行、醫療機構、教育機構、政府機關、宗教場所、社會企業
公共空間—交通空間 Transportation Space 車站、機場、碼頭、等候站
公共空間—社區空間 Community Space大樓社區門廳、社區中心
公共空間—服務空間 Service Facility & Space資訊服務中心、警衛亭、公共廁所等
公共空間—歷史建築再利用 Historical Renovation歷史建築、文化資產、古蹟之公共再利用


展覽空間 Exhibition Space

展覽空間—文化展覽 Cultural Exhibition Space博物館/美術館(常設展、特展)、博覽會、藝術展、設計展、農食展、城市展、品牌展等。
展覽空間—會展 Trade Show Space商展、會展、建材展


臨時建築與裝置 Interim Architecture & Installation

臨時建築與裝置—臨時建築 Temporary Architecture臨時建築設施
臨時建築與裝置—臨時展會空間 Pop-Up Exhibition | Event Space臨時活動展會、展覽、博覽會空間

Break through the old balanced design life

Tip the Balance of Design Living

  • new house

  • old house renovation

  • System cabinet light decoration

  • ​Customer Transformation Planning

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